Sikagard 705 L
Silane based reactive water repellent impregnationDeskripsi :
Sikagard 705 L adalah salah satu bagian viskositas rendah, bebas pelarut, impregnasi reaktif untukbeton dan substrat semen berdasarkan silan dengan bahan aktif 99%.
Sikagard 705 L memenuhi persyaratan tertinggi EN 1504-2 untuk hidrofobik Impregnasi ( penetration depth class II & resistance to freeze and thaw salt stresses)
Kegunaan :
Sikagard 705 L is used as water-repellent impregnation (hydrophobic treatment)for absorbent substrates such as concrete in civil engineering or building concrete
structures subjected to heavy stress due to freeze and thaw cycles and de-icing
salts, chloride attack in marine environment, etc…
- Suitable for protection against ingress (Principle 1, method 1.1 of EN 1504-9),
- Suitable for moisture control (Principle 2, method 2.1 of EN 1504-9).
- Suitable for increasing the resistivity (Principle 8, method 8.1 of EN 1504-9).
Keuntungan :
- Excellent penetration (~100% active content)- Economic and easy to use
- Reduces capillary water absorption, protection against driving rain and splashing
on vertical areas
- Reduction of absorption of aggressive or deleterious agents dissolved in water
(i.e. de-icing salts or chloride from marine environment)
- No change in water vapour permeability
- Long term efficiency, deep penetration
- Increases the resistance of concrete to freeze and thaw cycles and de-icing salts
- Resistant to sea water
- Low VOC content
- Ready to use
Kemasan :
18 kg pail and 170 kg drumDatasheet
Produk Data Sheet untuk Sikagard 705 L berbentuk file Sikagard 705 L.pdf silahkan download pada link dibawah ini :